Ongoing grants always available
Words by Elli Webb

Ongoing Grants always available 

Energy Consumers Australia Grants

Apply any time

The purpose of the Grants Program is to build knowledge and capacity to support energy policy development that will benefit the long-term interests of consumers.

The Energy Consumers Australia Grants Program offers three types of grants:

  1. Advocacy Grants (Closed)
  2. Research Grants (Closed)
  3. CEO Grants for grants of up to $15,000 to enable consumer engagement and advocacy in government, regulatory, or industry processes. (Open all year)

PPCA Performers’ Trust

Apply any time

This Foundation provides grants to promote and encourage music and the music-related performing arts. The grants provided are non-recurring (i.e. one-off grants rather than a periodical payment) and are determined by the four trustees of the trust:

  • Two (including the Chairman) are appointed by the PPCA;
  • One is appointed by the Musicians’ Union of Australia;
  • One is appointed by the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (formerly Actors’ Equity)

Essential household contents grant

Apply any time

If you are uninsured, or unable to claim insurance, you may be eligible for financial assistance to provide a contribution towards replacing or repairing essential household contents, such as beds, linen and whitegoods, that have been lost or damaged in a disaster. Grants of up to $1,765 for single adults and up to $5,300 for couples/families are available. 

Youth Employment Program

Apply any time

The Youth Employment Program (YEP) is an employment support program for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are finishing high school and looking for work or considering further education.

 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a Certificate III or higher, who are not supported by a job agency, can also be supported through YEP. 

Indigenous Producer Internship Program

Apply any time

$20,000 is available to support targeted industry placements to advance the skills of early-career creative Indigenous producers. This program will provide the opportunity for participants to undertake creative producer internships with successful production companies on a full-time basis over a one-year period, or a part time basis over a two-year period, being mentored by an experienced Australian producer. 

Heart Hand Pocket

Apply any time

This fund partners with charities and organisations who operate in Queensland and Papua New Guinea that tackle social issues to achieve life-changing outcomes for people in need.  Their focus is on ensuring Queensland’s most at-risk young people have the outcomes they need to thrive in adult life.  

Matana Foundation for Young People Grant

Apply any time

This grant funds projects that address the causes and consequences of youth disadvantage, and by so doing, assists them to gain access to the information, education, skills and resources that enable them to achieve social connectedness, personal significance and social and emotional wellbeing. Must have DGR status.

Emerging Athlete Pathways

Apply any time

Emerging Athlete Pathways aims to foster the development of young athletes and support elite athlete pathways by providing financial assistance to help alleviate the costs associated with attending championship events. 

School Subsidy Scheme

Apply any time

To assist schools with the cost of school managed facility projects that aim to enhance learning outcomes for students and the community. The funding is initiated for building works that fall outside of the scope of other infrastructure programs offered by the Department of Education. The Scheme is supportive of innovative infrastructure projects. All Queensland state schools (including state primary, high, middle, special education and distance education schools) are eligible to seek funding to initiate projects of $50,000 and above. 

Hamer Sprout Fund

Apply any time

This fund aims to support projects and organisations that:

  • Promote innovation in environmental education
  • Facilitate engagement in environmental action
  • Advocate for environmental sustainability
  • Foster collaboration between young people engaged in environmental leadership

Up to $5,000 is available. 

Cages Community Grants

Apply any time

The CAGES foundation works to improve the lives of Aboriginal people and create an environment which enables every child to reach their potential. This program seeks to fund DGR 1 organisations with high levels of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation, influence, identity and leadership. Funding of up to $50,000 is available. 

Dept of Premier and Cabinet Sponsorship Opportunities

Apply any time

Sponsorship is available to businesses, associations, local councils and not-for-profits to deliver significant initiatives and events that help with Queenslanders to:

Safeguard health; Support jobs; Back small business; Make it for Queensland; Build Queensland; Grow regions; Invest in skills; Back frontline services; Protect the environment.

 Two grant tiers are available:  <$10,000 and > $10,000.  

Native title respondent funding scheme

Apply any time

The Attorney-General’s Department helps native title respondents with their reasonable legal representation and disbursement costs incurred in native title proceedings. 

Gambling Community Benefit Fund

Ongoing rounds

The Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) is Queensland’s largest one-off community grants program and distributes approximately $60 million each year to not-for-profit community groups. The GCBF allocates funding to these groups to help them provide services, leisure activities and opportunities for Queensland communities.

$35,000 + is available four times per year.

Living Away From Home Allowances Scheme

Apply any time

This fund supports eligible Queensland families whose children need to live away from home to attend a state school or an accredited non-state school. 

Capacity building for native title corporations

Apply any time

Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) funding, called ‘PBC Capacity Building grant funding’, is available to assist native title holding corporations, known as Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs), to generate economic benefits through the effective and sustainable management of their land.

Courier-Mail Children’s Fund

Apply any time

The Fund maximises its impact and efficiency by only directing its funds to registered charities that demonstrate that they have the specialist skills and knowledge to deliver high-value, life-changing programs to children in need. 

Inclusive Kids Fund

Apply any time

This fund aims to provide much needed funds that will create better inclusion into community life for children that would otherwise be isolated through poverty, family breakdown, disability or severe illness. This fund targets young individuals aged 0-18 years; fast tracking immediate financial support not covered by other forms of funding.

New Business Assistance with NEIS

Apply any time

This scheme can help you turn your business idea into a viable business. Over the last 36 years, NEIS has helped over 194,000 people become their own boss by starting their own business. NEIS offers free accredited small business training, business plan development, business mentoring and, if eligible, NEIS Allowance. 

Crisis Relief Grants for Performing Artists

Apply any time

You can get help by applying for financial support if you are an artist, crew or music worker in crisis. SupportAct will also contribute to the cost of a funeral. 

Community Initiated Proposals

Apply any time

Under the IAS, the NIAA considers grant proposals that address a need for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Proposals must be developed with the community or group who will be impacted by the activity. They recognise that preparing a grant application is a significant commitment of time for any organisation. The Agency will therefore review your funding proposal, before you are asked to prepare a full application. 

ContagionOfLove community micro-grants

Apply any time

You can get help by applying for financial support if you are an artist, crew or music worker in crisis. SupportAct will also contribute to the cost of a funeral. 

Grater Charitable Foundation

Apply any time

Each calendar year the Foundation will provide approximately $1million to programs, based either in NSW or South-East Queensland, which are designed to improve the financial wellbeing of their beneficiaries. Funding is available to charitable organisations only.  

Direct Aid Program

Apply any time

The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is a small grants program funded from Australia’s aid budget. It has the flexibility to work with local communities in developing countries on projects that reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development consistent with Australia’s national interest. DAP projects cover a range of sectors such as education, health, water and sanitation, environmental protection, women’s empowerment and gender equality, supporting people with disabilities, economic livelihoods, food security and human rights. Up to $60,000 per project is available. 

Roddenberry Catalyst Fund

Apply any time

This fund makes grants between $2500 and $15000 to support innovative ideas to address urgent challenges across a range of fields, anywhere in the world. 

Norman Wettenhall Small Environmental Grant Scheme

Apply any time

Providing support for projects (usually under $10,000) that make a positive difference to the natural living environment. Projects must be directly making positive changes to biodiversity conservation in Australia. 

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